Setting up an IPython Development Environment from Source
I recently decided to start hacking on the excellent IPython project. I wanted to have full control over the versions of all the software involved, which meant compiling Python from source. This guide is intended to take one through the entire process of setting up a custom Python build with virtualenv in the least number of steps possible, with the final goal of building a virtualenv specifically for IPython dev work.
For this guide I'm using Mint 17 (based on Ubuntu 14.04). Most of the commands should be very similar for most modern Linux systems. The biggest things that will be different is installing build dependencies. Usually on debian based system that will involve something along the lines of:
sudo apt-get install build-essential
And maybe a few other packages.
Building and Installing Python
For this example I will be installing to /opt/python277. First, create the directory:
sudo mkdir -p /opt/python277
Now we'll get the python source. I want to use the latest Python 2.7. As of this writing it's 2.7.7. get it here. You should be able to follow these instructions with any 2.7.x version. 3.x should work as well, but might be a little different.
Extract the downloaded tarball and go into the directory:
tar -xvf Python-2.7.7.tar.xz
cd Python-2.7.7
We will now configure Python source:
export LD_RUN_PATH=/opt/python277/lib
./configure --prefix=/opt/python277 --enable-shared
What we're doing here is telling python to install to /opt/python277 and to be available as a shared library. This is important for certain packages such as PySide, which we'll install later. The LD_RUN_PATH tells it which library our python executable should link against at runtime. If we didn't set that environment variable, it would link against the system's python library, which causes all sorts of confusion.
Now make and install:
sudo make install
This will install a fresh python into /opt/python277. You can test it by running
You should get a python 2.7.7 prompt.
Setting up Package Management and virtualenv
The next thing we want to do is get pip up and running as quickly as possible, so that we can use it for all our package management. We'll download pip directory from pypi. It depends on setuptools, so download that here
Then extract and install it:
tar -xzvf setuptools-4.0.1.tar.gz
cd setuptools-4.0.1/
sudo /opt/python277/bin/python install
Now do the same thing with pip. The one I used is here
tar -xzvf pip-1.5.6.tar.gz
cd pip-1.5.6/
sudo /opt/python277/bin/python install
Alright, we should now be able to install most python packages from pypi simply with pip now. The first thing we need is virtualenv. If you're not familiar with virtualenv, it's awesome. Check it out here. Install it with:
sudo /opt/python277/bin/pip install virtualenv
Set up IPython virtualenv
We'll now create a virtualenv just for ipython development. I like to keep my virtualenvs in ~/virt_python.
mkdir ~/virt_python
cd ~/virt_python
Create the virtualenv. I'll call it "ipython-dev":
/opt/python277/bin/virtualenv ipython-dev
Activate it:
source ipython-dev/bin/activate
Now when we run python or pip it will use the executables in ~/virt_python/ipython-dev, and any packages we install with pip will only affect our ipython virtualenv.
Install Dependencies
The IPython dependencies we need will depend on which parts of IPython you want to work on. For example, to run the notebook we'll want numpy, ZeroMQ, jinja, and tornado. It's now simply a matter of using pip:
pip install numpy pyzmq jinja2 tornado
Alternatively you can install the dependencies for a specific IPython console automatically as explained below.
I want to run the IPython QT console, which depends on QT. I like the PySide python bindings. First install QT. On my system I needed:
sudo apt-get install qt4-default
Then install PySide:
export PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS=/opt/python277/lib
pip install pyside
We need to set PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS so that qmake knows what to build against.
Get the IPython Source
Clone the repository from github into ~/ipython-dev:
git clone ipython-dev
Install dependencies for the IPython notebook with the following:
pip install -e ".[notebook]"
This also creates an IPython executable in your virtualenv so as long as it is active you can simply run
to run IPython from your development source.
You should now be set to start hacking!